Auckland Safekids Workshop 19 June

April 02, 2014 at 6:32 PM

Safekids New Zealand is a service of Starship Children's Health, established in the early 1990s by Starship Children’s Health Trauma Service to help reduce the high rates of preventable injury to children.

Safekids is working closely with regional stakeholders to ensure that each workshop meets the specific child injury prevention priorities of each local community. Regional stakeholders are being invited to select agenda items to suit their needs meaning that each session will feature different agenda items. Participants attending the sessions can expect to :

•  Examine local child injury data
•  Learn about local injury preven tion priorities
•  Find out what other communities are doing to keep kids safe
•  Discuss local child injury issues
•  Network with a multi-sector group


For more information or to register click here.

Category: Training