Auckland Humanity Project

March 09, 2017 at 5:36 PM

Launched on 1st March 2017, the Auckland Humanity Project began as a small idea with a group of Aucklanders who wanted to rediscover their and our humanity. They formed a collective so that together they could create an action plan to promote the well-being of Aucklanders.

Here’s how it works. Each month the AHP team asks Aucklanders a question. Via social media, we share your responses, your humanity, with others.  Together, your experiences tell a bigger story and help us all understand Our Humanity.

What you can do right now:

We hope that by growing this project, and our humanity, we can in turn grow opportunities for kindness, compassion, empathy and hope, encourage healthy relationships, safer communities, and more connection and caring in our neighbourhoods, workplaces, schools and homes. Your story of humanity matters, no matter how big or small.

The Auckland Humanity Project is a direct outcome of the multi-sector action plan to prevent family, whānau and sexual violence in Auckland. The AHP also draws from and builds on the findings of the Working together to achieve whānau wellbeing in Waitematā project.

Category: Projects