Applications for the 2016 Social Work Study Awards open

September 10, 2015 at 11:32 AM

Applications for the 2016 Social Work Study Awards open:

*From the New Zealand Family Violence Clearinghouse*

Applications for the 2016 NGO Social Work Study Awards opened on 3 August 2015 and will close on Friday 9 October 2015.

Funded and administered by the Ministry of Social Development's Community Investment, the Study Awards intend to build the capability of people working in community-based social services, by assisting NGO employees to undertake part-time study for a degree level qualification in social work.

A study award is jointly awarded to an employee (i.e. the student) and their employer, with a maximum possible value of $33,244. This can assist the student with course fees and the employer with study-related expenses, including backfilling the employee's position while they are studying or on placement. Application is a joint process between the NGO employee and their employer and it is recommended that employees and their employers undertake the application process together.

Only social workers employed by NGOs are able to apply - they must be:

  • A paid employee of a community or voluntary organisation that is an incorporated society, or that has recognised charitable status
  • Enrolled in or intending to enrol in a social work programme that is recognised by the Social Workers Registration Board (SWRB); and
  • Employees will need to show that they are likely to meet the 'fit and proper person' and the 'good character and reputation' requirements as set out in the Social Workers Registrations Act 2003.

Pre-application workshops will be held across the country during August and September 2015. The two-hour interactive workshops fully explain how the study awards are structured, supplement application details, and provide an opportunity for questions to be answered. It is recommended both the student and the manager applying for an award attends a workshop.

Awards are made through a competitive selection process. Up to 85 awards are made each year, dependent on the funding available and application merit. Applications will be assessed during October and November. Following a meeting of the NGO Social Work Study Awards Advisory Committee in late November 2015, applicants will be advised of the outcome of their application before the Christmas holiday break.

Further details and information on how to apply are available on the Community Investment website.