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ACC partners with NZUSA on sexual violence prevention in tertiary education
August 17, 2017 at 3:49 PM
*From the New Zealand Family Violence Clearinghouse*
The Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC) has provided $1.4 million for a three year partnership with the New Zealand Union of Students’ Associations (NZUSA) to prevent sexual violence in tertiary education settings.
Radio NZ reported that the work will involve training programmes and a review of policies around sexual harassment and sexual violence prevention in tertiary institutions. The programme will also provide education and communications to students and staff.
NZUSA said the agreement will more than double NZUSA’s financial and staffing capacity.
NZUSA National President Jonathan Gee said "This is an historic milestone for students. It empowers the student movement to undertake a comprehensive work programme to stamp out rape culture and sexual violence in our communities. It shows we can be true to our principles and beliefs and work constructively with a government of whatever shape on issues we both see as a priority."
Mike McCarthy, ACC’s Violence Injury Prevention Manager said "ACC is delighted to be working with NZUSA to rid our communities of sexual violence. This partnership means that we can work together to provide more support to young people and make a real difference."
On 24 August 2017, a report from a survey on tertiary students’ experiences of sexual violence and secondary school sexuality education will be launched at Victoria University of Wellington. The In Our Own Words report will also include recommendations for both the secondary and tertiary education sector. A link will be added to this page when the report is available.
ACC targets students in anti-sexual violence initiative, Radio NZ, 11.08.2017
New steps to tackle 'rape culture' at NZ universities, NewstalkZB, 11.08.2017